Wednesday, June 1, 2011

RHQ Summary>Overview pages rewritten as more customizable portlets

The old JSF Resource Summary>Overview pages offered a decent snapshot of the current state of the resource, summarizing recent data for:
Metrics, Configuration Updates, Alerts, Operations, Out of Bound Metrics, Event Counts, and Package History.

This approach had a few known restrictions:

  • Fixed time frames. In each case acceptable defaults for the time frames were hard coded to give a good guess as to what was relevant to you as the current state of the dashboard for your Resource. Ex. Event counts listed for past 24 hrs only.
  • Static screen real estate. In each case all of the Overview regions were always shown. Even if you decided to never define alerts for a given resource there would always be a 'No recent alerts' message displayed and you just had to give up on that screen real estate.
  • All or nothing refreshes. If you were monitoring your Resource>Summary page and you were only interested in updates to the Recent Measurements display region you would need to set the whole page interval and have the page request all the data for all the other Recent* regions as well just to see timely changes to the region you're interested in.

With the RHQ 4.0.0 release, most of the UI has been completely rewritten using SmartGWT but additionally the:

  • The entire Activity page is now a composition of N portlets for each of the recent data areas that can be individually removed, resized, repositioned or refreshed depending upon what information the customer deems important for that resource or group.
  • Each of these Activity portlet regions also has their own configuration section where i) time frame for data collection , ii) amount of elements to be displayed and various other data filtration options are available(Ex. only show High priority alerts) are now available.
  • RHQ 3.0 Resource Summary> Overview pages renamed to Resource Summary>Activity.
  • Matching Group Summary>Activity pages have been added to get Recent* data as it applies to a group.
  • Additionally for Platform resources/groups there is a 'Bundle Deployments' portlet showing relevant bundle updates.

By reimplementing these summary display regions as portlets, the presence of each region is customizable, as are the types and amount of data to display as well as the rate at which data is refreshed. These are cool enhancements that I think users will enjoy. As data continues to pile up for everything we need to manage it's nice to be able to customize your 'dashboard' pages to show you only what you know is relevant for your use case.

1 comment:

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